I am not going to spend any time explaining what The American Players Theatre plans for their 2021 Live Summer Season…because Brenda DeVita is doing it far better than I! But APT’s summer seasons have been rewarding summer experiences for me for nearly 20 years and I was blessed in being able to introduce them to my wife when I got married and she is as eager to attend their challenging and creative company again as I am!
The video runs just under ten minutes but it has all of the details and there are things very new and very exciting and very innovative in the coming season. But if you can’t sit still long enough, here is the schedule…but watch the video…this simple list doesn’t provide a fair explanation of what they are offering.
Now I know you have a lot of questions about how they are going to present live plays on both their indoor and outdoor stage…so visit their FAQ site here. Or their general news items are found here.
And once more the link to the plays.
This is great news on a dreary little March afternoon…sorry to be such a obvious cheeleader today!