Originally planning to open their 2020/21 season on January 23rd, 2021, additional pandemic induced delays in completing their new performance home has caused the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra to move back opening night to February 6th!

But there will still be a robust sixteen performance season with twelve classical events and four pops events all performed live in their new Allen-Bradley Hall by socially distanced musicians and available via live stream or on demand viewing to their subscribers.
This looks to be an exciting season despite the disappointment in not being able to celebrate the new season in their new home, the Bradley Symphony Center! This year will be a chance to hear more of our favorite symphony players as they play in smaller ensembles. And because of the smaller ensembles, there will be new pieces that we don’t get to hear regularly and some new composers that will help freshen our experience in classical music. So I am looking forward to see how this season transpires!

Here is the link to the MSO’s website and the list of concerts for the ‘new’ 2020/21 season. (please note, although each concert has a buy tickets button, single tickets are not available, just subscriptions to the virtual season). This link will allow you to click on each concert to get the full list of pieces being performed. Ken-David Masur is listed as the music director and host for all sixteen concerts.
The live concerts will be performed at 7:30 P.M. on Saturday nights from February 6th, 2021 through June 19th, 2021. Subscription information for the sixteen virtual concerts can be found at this MSO website page.
And don’t worry, there is still a Beethoven Symphony on the schedule! Number 7 to be exact will be the featured closing piece for the last virtual concert on June 19th, 2021.
I am actually looking forward to this. I have really missed live concert performances this past fall and after watching some theater online, I know that the MSO will come through and provide us with a fulfilling experience. But as we go, I would like to hear your thoughts too…so feel free to leave your comments below, at any time during the season. The first time you comment, it won’t show up immediately, so be patient!! Or if you prefer to contact me directly, you can use our email account: contactaip@anintuitiveperspective.com